Regarding language it is important to adjust the language to the listener/the child. A two year old child cannot invent a full sentence but you can compose sentences of 2 or 3 words. Because of this the child will be challenged to also make sentences of 2 or 3 words. You can follow this up by using sentences of 4 or 5 words. Children having a language retardation, seem to understand much, but in reality do not fully comprehend the spoken words. They focus on the key words of the sentence, but don’t understand its structure. Often these children wait a while to see if the parent repeats the sentence one more time. The parent’s repetition is often (subconsciously) accompanied by a gesture/glance/pointing out, resulting in the child’s faster/better understanding what is meant. Because of this the child seems to act deaf, because of not dealing with the subject at first instance. The supporting gesture/glance/pointing out made things just a bit clearer for the child to be able to follow up what was requested.
When you want to stimulate the use of language it is important to join your child’s perception of the environment, doing things together and putting them into words. Play together and look at and read books together. A child does not need to repeat everything, it is not a parrot. Repeating is not communication. First all information must enter, before it can exit. That process requires time.
In case of doubts about your child’s sufficient use and comprehension of language you can always ask your family doctor for a referral for a one-time consultation with a speech therapist. If there is a language retardation, an early start of the therapy is important.
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